Monday, June 11, 2007

Birthday Greetings and Feelin' The Blues

Happy Birthday to my friend Nancy (who I shared a room with at SoonerCon this past weekend) and a belated Happy Birthday to my friend Rosemary (who I also saw at the con and whose birthday was a week ago when I was taking a break from posting).

The con was great and I had a wonderful time, but I'm still incredibly tired and sore and feeling generally lousy, so it may be a few days before I'll feel up to posting a con report and my con pictures. I'm also having a really severe bout of the "post-convention blues"--which, for those of you unfamiliar with the term, is the condition of feeling depressed about a con being over or about to come to an end and having to go back to dealing with the "real" world again. It's a pretty common condition among science fiction fans, and I've discovered today (from doing a couple of Google searches) that it can affect anyone who attends any sort of special interest convention or gathering, not just science fiction conventions. (Do your own search of Google Groups if you want to learn more--you can also search using "letdown" or "depression" in place of "blues" to get some alternate results.)

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