Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Photo Blogging

I finally bought a couple of photo storage boxes last week, so over the last few days I've been spending a lot of time going through some of the photos that I've already sorted and organized and making sure all of them are properly labeled. Which is what gave me the idea for today's post:


Don't put it off. Do it now while the details of each picture are fresh in your mind. Be sure to include dates, places, names, etc.

If you take a lot of digital pictures and keep them in a folder on your hard drive, keep a text file or handwritten list of all of the pictures along with information on each picture for future labeling or captioning. (There are several ways of adding caption bars or tags to digital pictures, but I don't want to recommend any of them until I've had a chance to try them out myself.)

If you have a lot of older pictures that you need help with, get the information you need from the relatives or friends who can give it to you now, while they're still alive and in good health and their memories are still intact.

I'm amazed and dismayed at the large number of pictures I have (some of which, I admit, are ones that I took and had developed) that are incompletely labeled (they may have dates and places but not names, or vice-versa, or they show the year they were taken but not the month), incorrectly labeled (two copies of the same picture have different dates and sometimes I have to make an arbitrary decision on which date to use), or not labeled at all. I'm going to do everything I can think of to fill in some of the gaps, but I know I'm still going to end up with a lot of photos, especially really old ones (from the early 1900s), that I won't be able to fully enjoy because I don't know anything about them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a point there about labeling photos. (I see now why your dining room table was unusable last night.) After my grandparents died, we went through a lot of photos and were able to assign labels to most of them. However, there was a picture of a rather dashing young man with "lest you forget" written on the back. Sadly, no one could remember who he was.