Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday Postcard Blogging

Is everyone else enjoying the postcards as much as I am? If so, please leave a comment and let me know. (Or send me an e-mail if you'd prefer to keep your comments private for any reason.)

I've been having such a good time with them that I've starting looking for other postcard sites and bookmarking them so I can visit them later. I've also added the ones that I've visited so far to my list of links in the sidebar (scroll all the way down to the bottom) and I'll add the other ones once I've had a chance to check them out. Most of the sites I've found so far have motel postcards from the 50s and 60s, but I've also found a gallery of restaurant and diner postcards, as well as a weblog devoted to postcards and pictures from older malls and shopping centers.

Anyway . . . on to today's postcard:

The caption on the back:


Buffalo at one time roamed the plains of Oklahoma in great herds. They provided the food, clothing and homes for many of the Indian tribes. The buffalo are now protected on state preserves and private ranches.

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